Immerse yourself in the thrill of virtual throwing competitions with DigiThrow, a revolutionary platform that merges the physical excitement of throwing games with the limitless possibilities of digital technology.

What is DigiThrow?

DigiThrow uses video projection technology to cast virtual targets onto a suitable surface for knife and axe throwing. This unique system allows for a wide variety of games, seamlessly blending the physical and digital realms for an unrivaled throwing experience.

From classic point-based competitions to creative games like memory, tic-tac-toe, and cricket, DigiThrow is set to redefine your idea of throwing games. The versatility of our projection-based system means we can offer an ever-expanding roster of games, keeping the excitement fresh and challenging for both beginners and seasoned throwers alike.

Record, Compare, Compete

But DigiThrow is more than just games. It’s a community. Our website serves as a hub where you can record and save your scores, track your progress over time, and see how you stack up against other players worldwide. You can compare your scores, challenge yourself to climb the rankings, and engage with other members of the DigiThrow community.

Our games

EU 10

EU 21

EU Pro



Crazy Bull


Tic tac toe

Line up 4



3 lifes

+ / –

Target 21

Balloons (beta)

Rotate (beta)

